Silent Poems at the
Pastitos in Mexico 2008 7 - 22 Octber 2008 See
the review!(Spanish)
Festival Fringe
Edinburgh Debut
award-winning puppet company from Japan, presents Where Spirits and Fairies
Venue: C, venue 34, Edinburgh Festival Fringe
Dates: Wednesday 3 to Saturday 13 August 2005
Time: 12.00 noon (1hr)
Venue box office: 0870 701 5105
Fringe box office: 0131 226 0000
"Where Spirits and
Fairies Dwell"
This production once again comes up to their expectation!
Please do not miss it!!
Dates: May 26-27, 2004 at Setagaya Public Theater (near Sangenjaya
Sta. on Denentoshi Line)
Please click here
for more information.
Workshop Schedule>>
'A' Program: Marionette handling
for beginners
- Workshop to enjoy puppet theater
You can learn how to handle marionette lively.
'B' Program: Marionette making for beginners
- Workshop to enjoy making and handling the marionette,
"Comical Bird"
You can learn how to make a marionette bird. (Comical
Bird: Kawasemi-za's original marionette, the bird whose
head, beak, wings, legs move freely.
* These workshops are held
at the Kawasemi-za studio in Tokyo several times a year.
Art Studio YOSHIYA
: Producing puppets upon your request.
The Art Studio YOSHIYA
- creates dolls and puppets such as animals, human figures,
fictional creatures and abstract objects for CF, performance
use, shows etc.
- designs 'character' of the dolls/puppets for various
purposes with devices and mechanisms for stage use.
- instructs effective handling the dolls/puppets.
The Art Studio YOSHIYA has worked for Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.,
Daiichi Life Insurance, Natural Zoo Park for children,
Children's Castle, etc.
*All creation is done by
Yoshiya YAMAMOTO at Kawasemi-za studio in Tokyo. For more
information, please contact